Basic DNS

Basic DNS

To add or edit DNS records for a domain registered on (or transferred to) Netistrar, go to your Dashboard, then select the "Manage Domains" option, and find the domain you wish to add/edit records for by searching in the bar above the list of domains. Click on the domain you wish to change.

On the left hand menu, choose the 'Nameservers' option, and verify that you are using Netistrar Basic DNS. For other DNS providers view the following help articles.

Once you have confirmed you are using Basic DNS, click the 'DNS' option in the left hand menu. From this page you can add or edit DNS records for this domain. To add a DNS record, click the 'Add DNS record' record button at the top of the page, or if you wish to edit an existing record, click the pencil icon on the row of that record in the table. This will bring you to a page allowing you to specify details on the new DNS record.

Adding/editing DNS records

If you are creating a new record, you must choose the type of record (e.g. A, CNAME). The type you need depends on the function of the record. For instance, A records are commonly used to map domain hostnames to IPv4 addresses, AAAA records are normally used for mapping hostnames to IPv6 addresses, and CNAME records to make one hostname redirect to another.

A record (sometimes known as a name or entry) represents the subdomain to which the record applies. For instance, the root domain is represented by an '@' symbol, a particular subdomain as just the subdomain itself (e.g. would be have a domain record of 'www'), and a record applying to all subdomains is represented by a '*' symbol.

The value, also known as the destination or target, denotes where the chosen record points. This will normally be an IP address or another hostname.

Time to Live (TTL) and change propagation

Finally, Time to Live can normally be left as Automatic. This defines how long this record is cached for on DNS servers. This can change how quickly changes to where your domain points take effect.

When you have finished creating or editing the record, hit the Save button. This will save the record. Changes may take a while to take effect, but should normally be fully active within 24 hours. This is due to time taken to propagate these settings through DNS servers across the globe.